Why We Run On Beer

I didn’t start running competitively until my senior year of high school when a buddy of mine convinced me to join our school’s cross country team. It turned out that I really enjoyed the sport which is probably why I also took his advice when he invited me over to his house to get drunk in the basement.

This was also my first real introduction to craft beer because instead of the typical case of Miller High Life that could be found at most high school parties, my friend had instead picked up a few cases of Victory Golden Monkey.

I started running as part of a team and started drinking the same way which, in some obscure fashion, is probably what ultimately lead to the creation of iRunOnBeer. I’m not a solo runner, I much prefer group runs (except on race day), and my favorite runs end at a bar or brewery, passing around a collection of unique brews to sample as a team. iRunOnBeer because it brings people together!

- Ryan

Tim Cigelske - The Beer Runner

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"For me, beer and running are interconnected. I enjoy craft beer and I enjoy running independently on their own merits. But together, they are much more rewarding. I don't feel guilty indulging in a high ABV, high-calorie beer after running, and it feels like a reward for putting in work."

Marc Hodulich - Founder, BeerFit Running Series

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"I didn’t choose beer running. Beer running chose me. I ran college track at Auburn and beer was the reward at the end of the season. Now beer is the reward at the end of every run. The two are inseparable for me. When I'm running, I think of beer. When I'm drinking beer, I think about how I earned that beer by running. They’re married in my mind -- and it's a very happy union.

BeerFit was created to share this perfect blend of exercise and reward -- running and beer. We encourage people to run hard, and drink easy. That's what being BeerFit is all about!"

Lee Heidel - Managing Editor, Brew / Drink / Run

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In my mid-thirties I noticed several parts of my life, which I had thought were very disparate and compartmentalized, being brought together in interesting ways. I had started homebrewing as a hobby and I had a few long-time friends that were doing the same. Homebrewing led me to search out more innovative styles of small-batch craft beer. You know, for “research.” That led down a rabbit hole of finding other enthusiasts who became fast friends.

With all of this extra beer consumption and my slowing metabolism, I was putting on weight. That’s where the running came in. As luck would have it, I had yet a third group of friends that were dedicated to the sport. With the goal of bringing these different circles of friends together, Brew / Drink / Run was formed.

BrewDrinkRun.com is a virtual home for us to share our passion for brewing beer, consuming the best craft beers in the world and then running off the calories via a website that features a unique beer review every day as well as regular long-form articles, a weekly podcast, two syndicated columns and lots of solid hang time. Great beer and regular exercise is the perfect pairing.

Dan Grant and Tej Sandhu - RunToBeer

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Although we started RunTOBeer to give Toronto's craft beer community a means to burn some calories on the way to the bar, brewery or beer festival, it's certainly evolved. We realized from the start the two activities – running and beer drinking – are a natural match. Both are incredibly social experiences bringing together people from all backgrounds. In more than two years we've led thousands of runners to beer and have never once had to ask anyone to be less of an asshole. Where else does that happen?

Derrick Peterman - Ramblings of a Beer Runner

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I've always been a "runner" since 1980. I started running when I was twelve to finish a local 10k. Later, when I ran in cross-country, track & field in college, I'd drink beer with my teammates, but it was pretty forgettable mass-market stuff like Busch or Budweiser and I didn't think beer was anything special. I've kept running for 36 years, and in the last ten of them, I've discovered the amazing diversity of beers from all the great new breweries in America.

Given all the demands from family, career, and the hard work that goes into running, I need a good beer every so often to keep me sane. I guess that makes me a beer runner.

Brenton - The Ale Runner

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The yin and the yang of it is this: I run because I really, really like beer. And beer is such a delicious reward after a run. Nothing tastes as good as that first sip of IPA after a really hard trail run. And the thought of that treat keeps you running. After all, the faster you run, the sooner you’re done. And once you’re done, well, there’s beer.

It’s actually somewhat amazing to see how passionate most runners are about both running and beer. So while TV ads may portray runners as light beer fans, in my experience, most of the runners I hang around (particularly trail runners) run so they can drink tasty craft beer. It’s a community of like-minded people and one that I embrace.

Brian Hodge - Communications Director, Craft Brew Races

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Running is hard. Beer is a great reward and a pretty powerful motivator. It just tastes a little bit better once you’ve ‘earned’ it, and both are great social activities. Sure, you can run, or drink beer by yourself, but both are more fun with friends. We’re all about community building. We purchase all of our craft beer and have developed great relationships with breweries all across the country.

We also donate a portion of the proceeds from every one of our events to local non-profit organizations, oftentimes that community’s brewers’ guild or historic preservation commission. We love to support these local businesses because we truly believe they add so much to the quality of life to their communities.