5 Tips to Crush the David Goggins 4x4x48 Challenge

David Goggins 4x4x48 Challenge

I took on the David Goggins 4x4x48 Challenge in 2020, and again in 2022, and I learned a lot along the way. Running 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours is a GRIND but with some planning, you can smash the David Goggins challenge.

A link to my original run is below, but I also put together a few tips for anyone taking on the run!

In 2020, my total running time was just under 7 hours, with an average pace of 8:00-9:00 per mile. Then in 2022, I ran negative splits (each 4-mile loop faster than the last). See below for the tips I learned along the way!

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5 Tips

Plan as much as you can ahead of time...

Break down each 4-hour chunk and plan what/if you plan to eat, drink, if you want to sleep, etc. Plans will change but it'll help avoid stress during the challenge. Time is your enemy!

Plan out your hydration...

When/how much will you need after each run? What type of balance do you need between water and electrolytes?

Plan out your meals...

Or at least what types of food you can eat without having to worry about GI distress. You don't have much time to digest between runs. Quick and easy meals are best so you don't have to waste time cooking.


I started my challenge at 12:00 PM and didn't take my first nap until around 1:00 AM... I was destroyed mentally when I woke up for my 4:00 AM run. If you can start taking little naps early on to help bank some energy reserves, it'll make a huge difference.

Enjoy it!

Sounds dumb but with so much going on and always racing the clock, it's easy to get lost in the details and forget to enjoy the experience. For me, keeping the live updates on Reddit, and keeping a brief log after each run helped me appreciate the struggle and enjoy the accomplishment once I was finished!

My David Goggins Challenge

Good luck to anyone taking on the challenge this weekend. It's a TON of fun.

Cheers y'all!