Get Started

Getting Started with I RUN ON BEER

Welcome to I RUN ON BEER, a blog I created to help grow and develop the community of "beer runners." The I RUN ON BEER blog has been a great outlet for me to share my experience as a runner and enjoyer of craft beer, but it's also been a phenomenal resource to introduce me to others across the globe who share my passion.

Whether you're a first-time visitor to I RUN ON BEER or a long-time reader, I wanted to create a sort of "how-to" guide to help you find your way around and invite you to get involved with our community.

Get Connected

Can't get enough I RUN ON BEER just from the blog? Subscribe to my YouTube channel to follow along with all of my latest adventures.

Get Going

Have you thought about picking up running in the past but weren't quite sure where to start? I understand that running can seem daunting and when you look around for answers online, you're often confronted with an overwhelming amount of information and opinions.

That's why I created a simple How to Start Running guide to get you through the basics and out the door on your first run as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Get Thirsty

So how does beer play a role in all this? The whole idea behind "Beer-Running" is that the two balance each other out. The trick is finding the right balance. A few craft beers can add up pretty quickly so just how many beers do you earn after your run?

Don't worry, we did the math for you in our How Much Beer guide that will let you know exactly how many brews you've earned after a race.

Sunglasses on the beach

Get Geared Up

Now that you're part of the I RUN ON BEER family, it's time to show off with some official gear! We've got an online shop with plenty of great options that are always in stock.
