Bandera 100k | My First Ultra

Bandera 100k

My First Ultra

On January 11, 2020, I ran my first ultramarathon, the Bandera 100k in Bandera, Texas. Preparing for that race is one of the reasons I let things slip with the blog a bit. The weeks leading up to, and following that race, my mind was so consumed by the race I couldn't bring myself to work on towards anything else.

Luckily, the hard work paid off. The race actually went a lot better than I was expecting. Don't get me wrong, jumping from 26.2 to 62 miles was an INSANE leap, but we did it! The training was certainly difficult, especially towards the end, but it was absolutely worth it. All in all, it took just over 15 hours to complete but we were having fun the entire time. Time to start planning the next adventure!

If you want an inside look at the race, check out the full coverage below!

Race Reports, Running, Slider