Best Summer Beers

The Best Summer Beers - My Top 5

My Top 5

I've definitely noticed year after year that my beer preferences change with the seasons. Through the winter, I become much more of a stout and porter kind of guy and often reach for a heartier high-abv brew. As it heats up though, it's time to shed those winter beers for something much lighter.

For summer, I focus my attention much more on beers that are not only light in color but oftentimes light in alcohol as well. I'm looking for that refreshing "hits the spot" kind of beer that you can enjoy all day long. Especially when you're spending your day outside under the hot summer sun.

I recently did a feature on my YouTube channel where I briefly went through my list of the 5 best summer beers. Like I said, you'll definitely notice a theme in this list of beers that I find to be ideal thirst-quenchers. As we continue to move into the hotter months, I guarantee I will have a constant supply of these beers in the fridge all summer long.

5. 21st Amendment - El Sully

First I'd like to highlight a particular style of beer that often gets overlooked in my opinion, the Mexican lager. Sure, everyone knows Corona but I don't often see many craft Mexican lagers at a party. Too often I find that the craft selection is dominated by some of the trendier hazy IPAs or "juice bombs" and a beer like El Sully from 21st Amendment may fly right under the radar.

The beer is simple by which I mean not overbearing from a flavor standpoint, it's crisp, and most importantly, it's smooth going down on a hot day. I would tag El Sully as one of my favorite summer BBQ beers because the flavor isn't going to overpower your palate. Great to pair with the array of foods you may find at your next potluck.

4. Montauk - Session IPA

It wouldn't be summer without a Montauk beer. Since moving to Long Island, I've really fallen for the Montauk Brewing Company and the overall "Come as you are" vibes surrounding their beer. It was honestly a really tough call to pick just one Montauk beer for the list but I ultimately had to go with the Session IPA.

I'm also a big fan of their Wave Chaser IPA but when I'm looking for pure refreshment, you can't go wrong with a solid session IPA. They've also got a Watermelon session ale which is equally refreshing, I'm just not as big of a fan of watermelon in general. An excellent beer for any of your waterfront summer adventures.

3. Dogfish - Sea Quench Ale

Speaking of waterfront, everyone needs to have their go-to beach day beer. This was another tough call but when I think of the beach, two things that immediately come to mind are salt and lime. When Dogfish first came out with their Sea Quench, I expected it to be a fun seasonal but definitely wasn't expecting it to take off the way it did.

Now I can pretty much find sea quench everywhere in a variety of sizes and packages. It's a session sour so you've got the low alcohol I like in an all-day drinker. And you just can't beat the refreshing taste of salt and lime. I actually shotgunned a beer immediately after my first marathon to "rehydrate." Definitely grab a six-pack or a tall boy before your next beach day.

Flying Dog Dead Rise beer can

2. Flying Dog - Dead Rise Ale

An easy choice for my list is Flying Dog's Dead Rise Ale. This was another beer that I thought of more as a fun gimmick when I first heard about it but after trying it, I couldn't believe how smooth it was. A beer brewed with Old Bay seemed like more of a challenge than a beer to enjoy.

That couldn't be further from the truth though. The truth is that the subtle lemon flavor paired with the bite of the spice makes for an incredibly refreshing beer. It's unique, it's delicious, and it's finally available in cans (another necessity for a quality summer brew).

1. Founders - All Day IPA

Last but not least, I've said throughout my list that in the summers, I'm looking for a beer that is meant to be enjoyed "All Day." No one does that better than Founders with their All Day IPA. Session IPAs are probably my favorite style of beer in the summer and I drink more All Day IPA during the summer than any other beer through the rest of the year.

Its flavor isn't by any means overpowering but with just enough bitterness to remind you that you're drinking an IPA. I try to have at least one 15-pack in the fridge at all times in the summer-ready to go for any last-minute adventures. The All Day IPA is easily my favorite beer of the summer.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, my list of the 5 best summer beers. Obviously, I have my own preferences so let me know what I missed or what your favorites are. I'm always looking to try something new!

Beer Reviews